English Education Department UNILA Hosted International Guest Lecture


The English Education Department of UNILA conducted an international guest lecture on November 15 2019. The four guest lecturers were Dr. Hisham bin Dzakiria from Universiti Utara Malaysia, Dr. POH Soon Koh from National Institute of Education, Sydney Garvis, a fellowship to UNSYIAH, Aceh, and Dr. Rina Listia from Universitas Lambung Mangkurat.

The lecture was focused on the field of English Teaching and Learning in general. More specifically, the lecturers delivered the sub topic of English Teaching and Learning in modern era.

The activity was started by opening speech from the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. More than that, the International Guest Lecture was attended by 226 students of English Education Department. The participants were enthusiastic and actively participated in the discussions and every activity conducted by the lecturers.

The first material was delivered by Dr. POH Soon Koh from NIE, Singapore. Then, it was followed by Sydney Garvis who mostly discuss teaching method. The third session was about Neurolinguistics by Dr.Hisham bin Dzakiria, followed by Dr. Rina Listia to wrap the whole sessions.  After the presentation from each lecturer, some questions were asked by the participants.

The last session was ended at 11.30. Some participants believed that the International Guest Lecture had allowed them to acquire new perspective of English Language Teaching and, indeed, enrich their knowledge as well as their experiences.