Inauguration and Workshop SEEDS 2022


SEEDS University of Lampung has just held an inauguration and workshop to new members for the 2022 period on Sunday, March 20th 2022 through a virtual zoom meeting. The inauguration took place solemnly on a sunny Sunday morning. 

(The new members of SEEDS for the 2022 period took a photo with the advisor and vice dean for student affairs and alumni.)

The activity was also attended by Mrs. Dr. Riswanti Rini M.Si as the deputy dean for student affairs and alumni and Mr. Fajar Riyantika S.Pd, M.A. as the supervisor of SEEDS.

(Mrs . Dr. Riswanti Rini M.Si as vice dean of student affairs and alumni FKIP University of Lampung gave a speech at the inauguration of the SEEDS FKIP University of Lampung 2022.)
(Mr. Fajar Riyantika S.Pd, M.A. as advisor of SEEDS FKIP UNILA led the taking of the oath of office for new members.)

Mrs. Rini also advised the new members of SEEDS to always be enthusiastic in organizing to increase our relationships and experiences. Furthermore, she also said that the organization within the campus is very important to show activeness in filling out the SKPI (Certificate of Assistance for Diplomas).

(Heriyanto as chairman of SEEDS for the 2022 period gave his remarks at the inauguration activity. )

In the end of the day, the SEEDS 2022 Inauguration and Workshop activities went smoothly. Hopefully the mandate that has been given can be carried out as well as possible for the progress of our beloved study program.

Author : Heriyanto 
Editor  : Febby Cilcila