SEEDS FKIP UNILA Held a Successful Personal Branding Event

The participant took a picture together after the webinar. (Sunday, May 22, 2022)

The SEEDS Education Division of FKIP UNILA hosts a project activity called EDISS, or English Department Info Sharing Session. As the head of education, Anissa Ilma Savitri (ED’20) noted, EDISS is a venue for English Education students and also for the general public to learn about the world of lectures.

“Creating an Outstanding CV for Beginners” is this year’s EDISS theme. This theme was chosen because the importance of CV nowadays. A CV is one of the most crucial documents that we need when applying for a job or a scholarship. The activity was held via a virtual zoom meeting on Sunday, May 22, 2022.

The speaker, (M. Arifianto) delivering the material during sharing session.

The committee invited two outstanding speakers, Kak Arif and Kak Bagus, who have extensive work experience to participate in this activity. Both of the speakers gave essential information and beneficial knowledge in this agenda, especially for the scholarship enthusiasts. During the webinar, it was clear that over 100 people were avidly participating, particularly when the speakers read many CVs from the attendees. From 10.00 to 12.00 WIB, this event last for two hours.

“Wealth will run out, but knowledge will never decrease” said one of the webinar’s most memorable lines. This is similar to EDISS’s purpose of continuing to share information with the wider public.

Author: Heriyanto
Editor: Dita Indah Ardeyanti