SEEDS Annual Summit for the New and Better Year


After one period passed, SEEDS held the 5th Annual Summit (Mubes) with the theme Strength in Unity, which was held at Biruni Cafe, on December 23, 2021. This Annual Summit was conducted to evaluate the activities of SEEDS in the previous period and it was also a momentum for the new formation of boards that will run the organization in the next period.

This activity started with an opening speech through Zoom Meeting by Vice Dean III Dr. Riswanti Rini M. Si and it was continued with the speech of the Head of English Education Department Dr. Ari Nurweni Dip. Tesl M. A who was not present at that moment thus represented by Fajar Riyantika S. Pd., M. A as SEEDS advisor.

By complying the health protocols, this activity was attended by approximately 37 people, including 4 board of trustees and 3 leaders of the assembly. After a long and wise discussion, this annual summit resulted in the decision of Heriyanto being elected as President of SEEDS and Zalfara Tiar Khoirunisa as Vice President of SEEDS for the next year.

Editor: Dita Indah Ardeyanti