English Department Students Seized Wonderful Achievements in Dies Natalis 53rd FKIP Unila

Rella Islami securing the 3rd Place for New Model Micro Teaching

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) celebrated its 53rd Dies Natalis. Some marvelous events were held including competitions among students of the faculty.

The English Education Department, as one of the most actively participating institution, sent some delegations to every competition that was intended to develop students’ skills, confidence and to flourish their experiences. As the final announcement was issued on February 20, 2021, The English Education Department (ED) students successfully seized several winnings for themselves as well as for the faculty. Here are the list of Winners from ED in the  Dies Natalis 53rd FKIP Unila:

Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ)
2063042001 Divara Aulia Haning Tyas (Champion in 1 Category of MTQ)
2013042059 Ratu Mutiara Amanah (3rd Place in 1 Category of MTQ)
2013042009 Laila Fadhilah Azzahra (3rd Place in 1 Category of MTQ)
2013042032 Tiara Roza (2nd Place in 1 Category of MTQ)

Champions of English Debate
1953042005 Sarah Salma Diyani
1913042023 Yoanda Johan
1913042003 Annisa Sekar Ratri

3rd Place in New Model Microteaching
1753042001 Rella Islami

The Champion of English Debate. Left to Right: Yoanda Jo, Sarah Salma, Annisa Sekar


Divara, Winner of MTQ

Tiara Roza (top left) the Runner-Up of MTQ, Ratu Mutiara (top right) holding the 3rd place of one category in MTQ, and Laila Fadhilah with another 3rd place position for a category in MTQ


Rella Islami securing the 3rd Place for New Model Micro Teaching


Author: Dian Pawitri
Pictures by: Dies Natalis 53rd FKIP Unila